Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Compiled and Edited by : Sailesh Kumar Bandopadhyaya
First Edition : 3,000 copies, November 1960
ISBN : 81-7229-223-6
Printed and Published by : Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1960
Letters and wires continue to come to me seeking my aid in saving
General Avari's life which seems now to be sinking. I know Gen.
Avari. He is a lovable worker. But I know too that he is often
improperly obstinate. The present occasion is a case in point. If a
man however popular and great he may be, takes up an improper cause
and fasts in defence of the impropriety, it is the duty of his
friends (among whom I count myself), fellow workers and relatives to
let him die rather than that an improper cause should triumph so
that he may live. Fairest means cease to be fair when the end sought
is unfair. Let me say once more where Gen. Avari's end is improper
and unfair. He may be wholly right in his statement that a great
wrong has been perpetrated by the Central Parliamentary Board of the
Congress. But who can right the wrong? Not Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
as Gen. Avari tells me he can. He is but an individual, Sardar
though he is. He has pronounced the decision of the Board. A judge
cannot review his own judgment. The Sardar is out of the picture.
The Central Board cannot, must not, review its own judgment. It has
no authority. No institution can act capriciously in a well managed
democracy. Gen. Avari and his friends have the right of appeal or
review by the Working Committee, then the A. I. C. C., finally the
Congress. This procedure may appear to him too long. It is not,
unless he is fighting for an individual or individuals and not for a
principle as he assures me he is doing. Time always runs in favour
of the defence of a principle. If the general session of the
Congress which is the highest tribunal for vindicating justice
decides against Gen. Avari, he has to submit to its verdict. The
Congress is the Panchayat. Like the king it can do no wrong. This is
merely a necessary and legitimate conception for guidance in the
observance of an infallible duty. In truth, however, decisions of
human organizations in all climes have been sometimes found to be
wrong. So it may be in the case under discussion. Then, but not till
then, will Gen. Avari have in theory the right, if he chooses to
exercise it, to stir public conscience into action by a fast to the
finish. In practice, it will be ludicrous. For the principle behind
such action can only euphemistically be so called. In democracy even
pure men may unconsciously give wrong decisions. The remedy is more
and purer education, greater awakening of the public and in such
quickened atmosphere the rise of a number of public workers whose
sole duty will be to speak, write and act so as to serve as bright
examples for the public.
Now I hope the friends of Gen. Avari will understand me when I say
that those who wrongly support him and his fast and thus encourage
him will hasten Gen. Avari's death, not those who will not swerve
from well-recognized canons of justice even for the sake of saving
the life of an erring friend. Let justice triumph though the heavens
Harijan, 17-3-1946