Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Compiled and Edited by : Sailesh Kumar Bandopadhyaya
First Edition : 3,000 copies, November 1960
ISBN : 81-7229-223-6
Printed and Published by : Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1960
I must say why I think that the warring nations do
not know what they are fighting for. I had used the expression
Warring nations', not 'peoples of Europe'. This is not a distinction
without a difference. I have distinguished between the nations and
their leaders. The leaders of course know what they are fighting
for. I make no admission that they are right. But neither the
English nor the Germans nor the Italians know what they are fighting
for except that they trust their leaders and therefore follow them.
I submit that this is not enough when the stake is so bloody and
staggering as during the present war. It is perhaps common cause
that Germans and Italians do not know why English children should be
slaughtered in cold blood and beautiful English homes should be
destroyed. When I asked the British soldiers in South Africa during
the Boer War they could not tell me what they were fighting for.
Theirs ' was surely 'not to reason why'. They did not even know
where they were being marched to. The British people would not be
able to give me a more satisfying answer, if I happened to be in
London and asked them why their soldiers were working havoc in
Berlin. If the press accounts are to be relied upon, British skill
and valour have wrought more havoc in Berlin than have the Germans
in London. What wrong have the German people done to the British
people? Their leaders have. Hang them by all means, but why destroy
German homes and German civilian life? What difference does it make
to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad
destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy
name of liberty or democracy? I assert in all humility, but with all
the strength at my command, that liberty and democracy become
unholy when their hands are dyed red with innocent blood. I hear the
living Christ saying: "These so-called children of mine know not
what they are doing. They take my Father's name in vain, for they
disobey the central command of my Father'" If my ears do not
deceive, I have erred in good company, if I have erred at all.
And why have I uttered the truth? Because I am
confident that God has made me the instrument of showing the better
way. If Britain seeks justice, she must appear before the imperial
court of God with clean hands. She will not defend liberty and
democracy by following totalitarian methods so far as war is
concerned. She will not be able to retrace her steps after out-Hitlering
Hitler in war. The last war is a resounding lesson. Her victory, if
attained, will be a snare and a delusion. I know mine is a voice in
the wilderness. But it will someday ring true. If liberty and
democracy are to be truly saved, they will only be by non-violent
resistance no less brave, no less glorious, than violent resistance.
And it will be infinitely braver and more glorious because it will
give life without taking any.
On the way to Simla,
Harijan, 29-9-1940