Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi comprises of Five volumes.
This book, Selected Letters, is volume-4.
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi : A set of five books
ISBN: 81-7229-278-3 (set)
Printed and Published by :
Jitendra T. Desai
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
The following is a free translation of Principal Shriman Narain Agarwal's letter in Hindustani from Wardha:
"In the Constitution that is being framed by the Constituent
Assembly, there is to be provision for the election of provincial
Governors by the majority of voters under the adult franchise system.
From this one is entitled to infer that as a rule, the nominees of
the Congress Parliamentary Board will be elected. The Chief Minister
of the province will also be of the Congress Party. Commonsense dictates
that the provincial Governor must be above the party politics of the
province concerned, or above being unduly influenced by the Chief
Minister or above friction between himself and his Chief Minister.
"In my opinion there is no necessity for a Governor. The Chief
Minister should be able to take his place and people's money to the
tune of Rs. 5,500 per month for the sinecure of the Governor will
be saved. Nevertheless, no provincial Governor should belong to his
own province.
"Moreover, in this way the expense and worry of an election by
the majority of the adult population will be saved. Will it not be
proper and better for the President of the Union to select Governors
satisfying the reasonable test above suggested ? Such Governors will
surely raise the tone of the public life of the provinces governed
by them. It is worthy of note that the present Governors have been
appointed by the Central Cabinet of the Union on the above basis and,
therefore, their influence on their provinces has been wholesome.
I fear that if the Governors are elected as threatened under the forthcoming
Constitution, their influence is likely to be unwholesome.
"Further, the Constitution as foreshadowed makes no mention of
the village panchayats being the foundation of the progressive decentralization
in the place of the old hunger for centralization. There are other
such defects which one can profitably point out, but I have no right
or desire to enter into an elaborate criticism of our seasoned leaders.
I have but ventured to draw your attention to the defects which have
appeared to me and demand your guidance."
There is much to be said in favour of the argument advanced by Principal
Agarwal about the appointment of provincial Governors. I must confess
that I have not been able to follow the proceedings of the Constituent
Assembly. I do not know the context in which the proposal under discussion
has been made. But, examined in isolation, the criticism appears irresistible,
with the exception that much as I would like to spare every piece
of the public treasury, it would be bad economy to do away with provincial
Governors and regard Chief Ministers as a perfect equivalent. Whilst
I would resent much power of interference to be given to Governors,
I do not think that they should be mere figure-heads.
They should have enough power enabling them to influence ministerial
policy for the better. In their detached position they would be able
to see things in their proper perspective and thus prevent mistakes
by their Cabinets. Theirs must be an all-pervasive moral influence
in their provinces.
Principal Agarwal says that there is no mention or direction about
village panchayats and decentralization in the foreshadowed Constitution.
It is certainly an omission calling for immediate attention if our
independence is to reflect the people's voice. The greater the power
of the panchayats, the better for the people. Moreover, panchayats
to be effective and efficient, the level of people's education has
to be considerably raised. I do not conceive the increase in the power
of the people in military, but in moral terms. Naturally, I swear
by Nayee Talim in this connection.
Hanjan, 21-12-'47, p. 473