Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi comprises of Five volumes.
This book, Selected Letters, is volume-4.
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi : A set of five books
ISBN: 81-7229-278-3 (set)
Printed and Published by :
Jitendra T. Desai
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
September 23, 1944
Last evening's talk has left a bad taste in the mouth. Our talks and
our correspondence seem to run in parallel lines and never touch one
another. We reached the breaking point last evening but, thank God,
we were unwilling to part. We resumed discussion and suspended it
in order to allow me to keep my time for the evening public prayer.
In order that all possible chance of making any mistake in a matter
of this great importance may be removed, I would like you to give
me in writing what precisely on your part you would want me to put
my signature to.
I adhere to my suggestion that we may call in some outside assistance
to help us at this stage.
Yours sincerely,
Gandhi-Jinnah Talks, p. 25