Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi comprises of Five volumes.
This book, Selected Letters, is volume-4.
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi : A set of five books
ISBN: 81-7229-278-3 (set)
Printed and Published by :
Jitendra T. Desai
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
The Ashram,
February 15, 1928
Mira has translated your latest letter for me. My whole soul goes
out to you in your grief especially because it comes over a letter
which makes you suspect me of hardness of heart. I appreciate your
desire to find me correct in all I do and think. I do indeed want
to stand well with you, but I must be true to myself if I am to continue
to deserve your warm friendship.
Let me first tell you that Mira's letter reflected her own views though
they were found to coincide with mine. Neither Mira, so far as I know
her, nor I had the remotest idea of judging those two good peasants.1
Their action was undoubtedly one of heroism. What we had in our minds
was the heroism of a war resister, and from the record sent by you
and as it was interpreted to me by Mira, I missed that particular
type of heroism which a war resister demonstrates in his own life.
Joan of Arc was a heroine. So were Leonidas and Horatius. But the
heroism in each case was of a different type, each noble and admirable
in its sphere.
In the answers given by the peasants, I do not notice any definite
repugnance to war as war and a determination to suffer to the uttermost
in their resistance to war. These peasant friends, if my recollection
serves me right, are heroes representing and defending the simple
rustic life. These heroes are no less precious than those of a militant
war resister type. We want to treasure all this heroism, but what
I feel is that we will serve the heroes and the cause of truth better
if we treated each type separately.
You have curiously raised the question of my participation in the
late War.2 It is a legitimate question. I had answered it in the last
autobiographical chapter as if in anticipation of your question. Please
read it carefully and tell me at your leisure what you think of the
argument.3 I shall treasure your opinion.
Lastly, I do want to reach perfection, but I recognize my limitations,
and the recognition is becoming clearer day after day. Who knows in
how many places I must be guilty of hardness of heart, and I should
not be surprised if you have noticed want of charity in my writings
in more places than one. I can only tell you that the lapses are there
in spite of my prayerful effort to the contrary. I suppose it was
not without reason that the early Christians considered Satan to be
not merely an evil principle but evil incarnate. He seems to dominate
us in every walk of life and man's mission is to overthrow him from
This letter of yours to Mira makes me more and more anxious to see
you in the flesh, and there is just a distant hope of my being able
to do so this year if I keep good health and if otherwise the inner
voice guides me towards Europe. I am seriously considering two invitations,
and the desire to meet you may precipitate my decision in favour of
accepting those invitations.
Yours sincerely,
From a photostat: S.N. 14942