Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi comprises of Five volumes.
This book, Selected Letters, is volume-4.
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi : A set of five books
ISBN: 81-7229-278-3 (set)
Printed and Published by :
Jitendra T. Desai
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
December 25, 1946
Your letter to Pyarelal reached me direct yesterday. Pyarelal and
all the rest are engrossed in their own work and are staking their
lives.... So Pyarelal does not know about this letter. He comes to
see me occasionally and will read it when he comes here next.
I am dictating this at 3 a.m. I shall have a wash at 4 a.m. and prayers
after that. This is the present routine. I shall carry on only if
such is God's will. However there is nothing in my health which should
make you anxious. The body responds to the demands made upon it, but
it is a real ordeal for me. My truth and non-violence are being weighed
in a balance which is much more accurate than any a pearl merchant
ever used. It is so sensitive as to register the difference of even
the hundredth fraction of a hair. They in themselves can never be
found wanting. If anything is to be found wanting, it may be I who
have constituted myself their representative; if so, I at least hope
that God will take me away and work through some other worthier agent.
I am sorry that I cannot myself do the work which Pyarelal used to
do for me and I have not yet been able to prepare the two men who
are with me to do it. But both are intelligent. I therefore hope to
be able to arrange it. In this your letter will afford me encouragement.
Jaisukhlal left Manu at her own wish three or four days ago. I allowed
her to come, as she was prepared to stay and die with me if necessary.
And now I am dictating this to her, lying down with my eyes closed
so as to reduce my exertion to the minimum. Sucheta [Kripalani] is
also in this room. She is still asleep....
The telegram you sent me is fit only to be thrown into the waste-paper
basket. There is no limit to exaggeration here. Not that the people
exaggerate intentionally; they simply do not know what exaggeration
means. The imagination of the people runs riot like the local vegetation
which presses in on all sides. All around us I find huge coconut and
betelnut palms, and a large variety of greens grow in their shade.
The rivers are all like the Sindhu, the Ganga, the Yamuna and the
Brahmaputra. These empty their waters in the Bay of Bengal. My advice
is that if you have not replied to him already you should ask the
man who sent the telegram to you to furnish proof for his statements
so that "the Central Government may try to do something about
it, though they have no power to interfere in terms of the Constitution".
And add: "Gandhi is there in your midst and it is impossible
that he would not hear you. But he is an apostle of truth and non-violence
and therefore there is a possibility of his disappointing you. But
if he disappoints you, how can we, who were trained under him, hope
to satisfy you? But we shall do what we can." Don't tell anyone
that since Gandhi is there, he need not bring his problems to you.
Let him write to you as well, and it would be your duty to afford
relief to him even by going against me, for that is what I have taught
you. The situation is difficult. Truth is nowhere to be found. Violence
masquerades as non-violence, irreligion as religion. But truth and
non-violence can be tested only in such conditions, I know; that is
why I am here. Do not call me away. If I ran away in fear, that would
be my own misfortune; but India is certainly not so unlucky. I am
here to do or die. News came over the radio yesterday that Jawaharlal,
Kripalani and Deo were coming to have consultations with me. That
is enough.
What is the use of my meeting every one? However, if any one among
you wants to ask me anything, he can.
What I wrote about Assam was not meant for immediate publication.
But rest assured that I am right on that point.
You will have seen the report of the Bihar [Muslim] League. I wrote
to Rajendrababu about it and have asked him to acquaint all of you
with my views. I have also written to the Bihar Chief Minister. Even
if half of what the report says is correct, it is bad business. I
have no doubt that an impartial commission of inquiry with which no
one can find any fault ought to be set up without a single day's delay.
Whatever is correct in the allegations must be admitted straightaway
and the rest should be referred to the commission. You should also
discuss this with your Muslim League colleagues in the Cabinet. I
am still in correspondence with Suhrawardy. When it is completed I
shall send it all to you. Jawaharlal will see what has passed between
us so far.
If you are not doing it already, please read the summary of my post-prayer
speeches which is sent to the newspapers. Or go through the cuttings
which Mani could give you. I know the high pressure under which you
are working, but some things have to be done in spite of this pressure.
To keep abreast of what I am saying is one of them.
I do not think I can hope that your health is excel¬lent, but
trust that it is good enough for you to work. I think it can be very
much improved. I would still ask you to call Dinshah [Mehta] in for
treatment. I have no doubt that he is a good and sincere man with
a benevolent outlook on life. What if he is not so efficient? You
ask about Sushila. I cannot say she is in good health. She is at her
post in inhospitable villages and is doing good work. Even a quack
is a rarity in these parts; so naturally the people make much of someone
like her. Therefore do not be anxious about any of us here. And when
every one of them is here to die, their falling ill should not be
of great concern. If they die, it would be a master for con¬gratulation.
For this they have to die in purity.
Letters to Sardar Vallobhbhai Patel , pp. 201-204