Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi comprises of Five volumes.
This book, Selected Letters, is volume-4.
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi : A set of five books
ISBN: 81-7229-278-3 (set)
Printed and Published by :
Jitendra T. Desai
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
Yeravda Central Prison,
24th February, 1933
I had your telegram asking me whether you could release
the correspondence for publication. As I had done so 48 hours before
the receipt of your telegram I did not send a wire in reply, thinking
that you must already have seen the notice of the publication.
Since then I had no time to dictate a reply to you, as Harijan takes
up practically all my time up to Thursday evening.
I hope you are getting regularly your copy of the Harijan. I do not
know whether you at all get the time to look at it. Now that the world
knows the difference of outlook between you and me as to these Bills,
I would like you to review the whole position in the light of what
you yourself have suggested.
You say that it is possible by discussion between Sanatanists and
reformers to arrive at a compromise without the aid of legislation.
I taxed myself as to how this could be, even assuming that there was
complete agreement between Sanatanists and reformers that public temples
should be thrown open to Harijans. Even that agreement cannot supersede
the law which lays down that Harijans cannot enter public temples.
I therefore cannot get away from the very real moral difficulty that
unless we get the law altered, we are not in a position to keep the
pledge given in the Bombay resolution. We cannot plead helplessness
under cover of this law, of which I knew nothing at the time I drew
up the resolution about temples. I suppose that you do know that the
original draft was prepared by me. True, several changes were made
after, but no change was made so as to alter the substance of my draft.
I wish therefore that for the sake of the very religion which you
and I hold dearer than life itself, you will examine the moral difficulties
I have presented here. And let me repeat, if it is at all necessary,
what I have said in my article in Harijan that this latest difference
in viewpoint between you and me does not, in the slightest degree,
diminish my regard or affection for you,
Your sincerely,
From a photostat: S.N. 20348