Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi comprises of Five volumes.
This book, Selected Letters, is volume-4.
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi : A set of five books
ISBN: 81-7229-278-3 (set)
Printed and Published by :
Jitendra T. Desai
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
Bhangi Colony,
New Delhi,
5th July 1947
Khudai Khidmatgar Alam Khkn saw me before 12 o'clock and he said that
he was leaving for Peshawar tonight. I did not send any letter through
him. But I told him that there should be no demonstration against
the Muslim League, that it should be enough that in the present state
of tension and misrepresentation Khudai Khidmatgars should not vote
at all one way or the other, that they were entitled so far as internal
affairs were concerned to claim and to have complete autonomy without
any interference from Pakistan or the Union, and that they could come
to a decision as to the choice between the Union or Pakistan when
the constitutions of the two were promulgated and when the Frontier
Province had fashioned its own autonomous constitu-tion. Above all,
every occasion for clash with the Muslim League members was to be
avoided. Real Pathan brav¬ery was now on its trial. It was to
be shown by cheerfully meeting blows or even meeting death at the
hands of the opponents without the slightest sort of retaliation.
Boycott would certainly result in a legal victory for Pakistanis,
but it would be a moral defeat, if without the slightest fear of violence
from your side, the bulk of Pathans refrained in a dignified manner
from participating in the referendum. There should be no fuss, no
procession, and no disobedience of any orders from the authority.
I had acted promptly on receipt of your letter. I wrote a long letter
to His Excellency on which he took action. You must have seen also
how I had dealt with the question of the Frontier Province in one
of my post- prayer speeches. I send you herewith a copy of my letter
to the Viceroy and of my post-prayer speech. This letter is also in
answer to a complaint received by the Viceroy that it was reported
that there was fear of disturbance to be caused by the Khudai Khidmatgars.
I hope the strain under which you are working is not telling upon
your health.1
Abdul Ghaffar Khan, p. 445