Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi comprises of Five volumes.
This book, Selected Letters, is volume-4.
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi : A set of five books
ISBN: 81-7229-278-3 (set)
Printed and Published by :
Jitendra T. Desai
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
Westminster Palace Hotel,
4, Victoria Street,
London, W.C.,
I beg to tender my thanks for your registered letter in connection with the
letter addressed to a Hindu, and with the matters that I dealt with in my letter
to you.
Having heard about your failing health I refrained, in order to save you the
trouble from sending an acknowledgement, knowing that a written expression
of my thanks was a superfluous formality; but Mr Aylmer Maude whom I have
now been able to meet reassured me that you are keeping good health indeed
and that unfailingly and regularly you attend to your correspondence every
morning. It was very gladsome news to me and it encourages me to write to you
further about matters which are, I know, of the greatest importance according
to your teaching.
I beg to send you herewith a copy of a book written by a friend—an
Englishman—who is at present in South Africa, in connection with my life, in so
far it has a bearing on the struggle with which I am so connected and to which
my life is dedicated. As I am very anxious to engage your active interest and
sympathy I thought that it would not be considered by you as out of the way for
me to send you the book.
In my opinion, this struggle of the Indians in the Transvaal is the greatest of
modern times, inasmuch as it has been idealized both as to the goal as also to
the methods adopted to reach the goal. I am not aware of a struggle in which
the participators are not to derive any personal advantage at the end of it and
in which 50 per cent of the persons affected have undergone great suffering
and trial for the sake of a principle. It has not been possible for me to advertise
the struggle as much as I should like. You command, possibly, the widest public
today If you are satisfied as to the facts you will find set forth in Mr Doke's
book, and if you consider that the conclusions I have arrived at are justified by
the facts, may I ask you to use your influence in any manner you think fit to
popularize the movement? If it succeeds, it will be not only as a triumph of
religion, love and truth over irreligion, hatred, and falsehood but it is highly
likely to serve as an example to the millions in India and to people in other
parts of the world, who may be down-trodden and will certainly go a great way
towards breaking up the party of violence, at least in India. If we hold out to
the end, as I think we would, I entertain not the slightest doubt as to its
ultimate success and your encouragement in the way suggested by you can only
strengthen us in our resolve.
The negotiations that are going on for a settlement of the question have
practically fallen through, and together with my colleagues I return to South
Africa this week and invite imprisonment. I may add that my son has happily
joined me in the struggle and is now undergoing imprisonment with hard labour
for six months. This is his fourth imprisonment in the course of the struggle.
If you would be so good as to reply to this letter, may I ask you to address your
reply to me at Johannesburg, S.A., Box 6522.
Hoping that this will find you in good health,
I remain,
Your obedient servant,
Tolstoy & Gandhi, pp. 64-66