May 4, 1915
My dear sister,
I did not reply to your last letter as I had hoped to be able at the time of replying to tell you when I was likely to visit Hyderabad. But the receipt of your booklet with the beautiful inscription in it compels me to write to you now, even though I cannot fix the date of my coming to Hyderabad.
I thank you for the inscription. Yes, Mr. Gokhale longed to have you as a full servant of India. Your acknowledgment of discipleship fills one with new hope.
But of this more when we meet. For me the death of the Master has drawn me closer to him. I see him and appreciate his worth as I never did before; for the lover, the loved one never dies.
Are you keeping well in health?
I leave Madras on the 7th instant for Bombay.
My permanent address is Servants of India Society, Poona.
Mrs. Gandhi, who is with me, sends her love to you.
Yours sincerely
M. K. Gandhi