November 18, 1918
Dear Sister,
I appreciated your little note. I observe that you have survived the operation.
I hope that it will be entirely successful, so that India may for many a year to
come continue to hear your songs. For me I do not know when I shall be able to
leave this sick-bed of mine. Somehow or other, I cannot put on flesh and gain
more strength than I have. I am making a mighty attack. The doctors of course
despair in face of the self-imposed restrictions under which I am labouring. I
assure you that they have been my greatest consolation during this protracted
illness. I have no desire whatsoever to live upon condition of breaking those
disciplinary and invigorating restrictions. For me, although they restrict the
body somewhat, they free the soul and they give me a consciousness of it which I
should not otherwise possess. "You can't serve God and Mammon" has a
clearer and deeper meaning for me after those vows. I do not infer that they are
necessary for all, but they are for me. If I broke them I feel that I should be
perfectly worthless.
Do let me have an occasional line from you.
M. K. Gandhi