I do not teach the masses to regard the capitalists as their enemies, but I teach them that they are their own enemies.
Young India, 26-11-'31
The class war is foreign to the essential genius of India which is capable of evolving communism broad-based on fundamental rights of all on equal justice. The Ramarajya of my dream ensures the right alike of prince and pauper.
Amrita Bazar Patrika, 2-8-'34
I never said that there should be co-operation
between the exploiter and the exploited so long as exploitation and the will to
exploit persists. Only I do not believe that the capitalists and the landlords
are all exploiters by an inherent necessity, or that there is a basic or
irreconcilable antagonism between their interests and those of the masses. All
exploitation is based on co-operation, willing or forced, of the exploited.
However much we detest admitting it, the fact remains that there would be no
exploitation if people refuse to obey the exploiter. But self comes in and we
hug the chains that bind us. This must cease. What is needed is not the
extinction of landlords and capitalists, but a transformation of the existing
relationship between them and the masses into something healthier and purer.
The idea of class war does not appeal to me. In
India a class war is not only not inevitable, but it is avoidable if we have
understood the message of non-violence. Those who talk about class war as being
inevitable have not understood the implications of non-violence or have
understood them only skin-deep.
Let us not be obsessed with catchwords and
seductive slogans imported from the West. Have we not our distinct Eastern
tradition? Are we not capable of finding our own solution to the question of
labour and capital? What is the system of Varnashrama but a means of harmonizing
the difference between high and low, as well as between capital and labour? All
that comes from the West on this subject is tarred with the brush of violence. I
object to it because I have seen the wreckage that lies at the end of this road.
The more thinking set even in the West today stand aghast at the abyss for which
their system is heading. And I owe whatever influence I have in the West to my
ceaseless endeavour to find a solution which promises an escape from the vicious
circle of violence and exploitation. I have been a sympathetic student of the
Western social order and I have discovered that underlying the fever that fills
the soul of the West there is a restless search for truth. I value that spirit.
Let us study our Eastern institutions in that spirit of scientific enquiry and
we shall evolve a truer socialism and a truer communism than the world has yet
dreamed of. It is surely wrong to presume that Western socialism or communism is
the last word on the question of mass poverty.
Amrita Bazar Patrika, 3-8-'34
I do not want to destroy the zamindar, but neither do I feel that the zamindar is inevitable. I expect to convert the zamindar and other capitalists by the non-violent method, and therefore there is for me nothing like an inevitable of class conflict. For it is an essential part of non-violence to go along the line of least resistance. The moment the cultivators of the soil realize their power, the zamindari evil will be sterilized. What can the poor zamindar do when they say that they will simply not work the land unless they are paid enough to feed and clothe and educate themselves and their children in a decent manner? In reality the toiler is the owner of what he produces. If the toilers intelligently combine, they will become an irresistible power. That is how I do not see the necessity of class conflict. If I thought it inevitable, I should not hesitate to preach it and teach it.
Harijan, 5-12-'36
The problem is not to set class against class, but to educate labour to a sense of its dignity. Moneyed men after all form microscopic minority in the world. They will act on the square, immediately labour realizes its power and yet acts on the square. To inflame labour against moneyed men is to perpetuate class hatred and all the evil consequences flowing form it. The strife is a vicious circle to be avoided at any cost. It is an admission of weakness, a sign of inferiority complex. The moment labour recognizes its own dignity, money will find its rightful place, i.e. it will be held in trust for labour. For labour is more than money.
Harijan, 19-10-'35