Written by :
M. K. Gandhi
Compiled by :
R. K. Prabhu
Written by :M. K. Gandhi
Compiled by :R. K. Prabhu
First Edition : 10,000 copies, September 1959
I.S.B.N :81-7229-387-9
Printed and Published by : Jitendra T. Desai,
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
Ahmedabad - 380 014,
© Navajivan Trust, 1959
I regard Jesus as a great teacher of humanity, but I do not regard him as the only
begotten son of God. That epithet in its material interpretation is quite
unacceptable. Metaphorically we are all begotten sons of God, but for each of
us there may be different begotten sons of God in a special sense. Thus for me
Chaitanya may be the only begotten son of God.
Q : But don't you believe in the perfection of human nature, and don't you
believe that Jesus had attained perfection ?
A : I believe in the perfectibility of human nature. Jesus came as near to
perfection as possible. To say that he was perfect is to deny God's superiority
to man. And then in this matter I have a theory of my own. Being necessarily
limited by the bonds of flesh, we can attain perfection only after dissolution
of the body. Therefore God alone is absolutely perfect. When He descends to
earth, He of His own accord limits Himself. Jesus died on the Cross because he
was limited by the flesh. I do not need either the prophesies or the miracles to
establish Jesus' greatness as a teacher. Nothing can be more miraculous than the
three years of his ministry. There is no miracle in the story of the multitude
being fed on a handful of loaves. A magician can create that illusion. But woe
worth the day on which a magician would be hailed as the saviour of humanity. As
for Jesus raising the dead to life, well I doubt if the men he raised were
really dead. I raised a relative's child from supposed death to life, but that
was because the child was not dead, and but for my presence there she might have
been cremated. But I saw that life was not extinct. I gave her an enema and she
was restored to life. There was no miracle about it. I do not deny that Jesus
had certain psychic powers and he was undoubtedly filled with the love of
humanity. But he brought to life not people who were dead but who were believed
to be dead. The laws of Nature are changeless, unchangeable, and there are no
miracles in the sense of infringement or interruption of Nature's laws. But we
limited beings fancy all kinds of things and impute our limitations to God. We
may copy God, but not He us. We may not divide Time for Him, Time for Him is
eternity. For us there is past, present and future. And what is human life of a
hundred years but less than a mere speck in the eternity of Time?
Harijan, 17-4-1937
Q : Then you will recognize degrees of divinity. Would you not say that Jesus was the
most divine?
A :No, for the simple reason that we have no data. Historically we have more data
about Mahomed than anyone else because he was more recent in time. For Jesus
there is less data and still less for Buddha, Rama and Krishna; and when we know
so little about them, is it not preposterous to say that one of them was more
divine than another? In fact even if there were a great deal of data available,
no j'udge should shoulder the burden of sifting all the evidence, if only for
this reason that it requires a highly spiritual person to gauge the degree of
divinity of the subjects he examines. To say that Jesus was 99 per cent divine,
and Mahomed 50 per cent, and Krishna 10 per cent, is to arrogate to oneself a
function which really does not belong to man.
Harijan, 6-3-1937
I therefore do not take as literally true the text that Jesus is the only begotten son of God. God cannot be the exclusive Father and I cannot ascribe exclusive divinity to Jesus. He is as divine as Krishna or Rama or Mahomed or Zoroaster. Similarly I do not regard every word of the Bible as the inspired word of God even as I do not regard every word of the Vedas or the Koran as inspired. The sum-total of these books is certainly inspired, but I miss that inspiration in many of the things taken individually. The Bible is as much a book of religion with me as the Gita and the Koran.