Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Edited by : Bharatan Kumarappa
Foreword by : Morarji Desai
First Edition :10,000 copies, 1948
I.S.B.N :81-7229-071-3
Printed and Published by :Jitendra T. Desai,
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1960
Doctors have almost unhinged us. Sometimes I think that quacks are better than highly
qualified doctors. Let us consider: The business of a doctor is to take
care of the body, or, properly speaking, not even that. Their business
is really to rid the body of diseases that may afflict it. How do these
diseases arise? Surely by our negligence or indulgence. I overeat, I
have indigestion, I go to a doctor, he gives me medicine, I am cured. I
overeat again, I take his pills again. Had I not taken the pills in the
first instance, I would have suffered the punishment deserved by me and
I would not have overeaten again. The doctor intervened and helped me to
indulge myself. My body thereby certainly felt more at ease; but my mind
became weakened. A continuance of a course of medicine must, therefore,
result in loss of control over the mind.
I have indulged in vice, I contract a disease, a doctor cures me, the odds are that I shall
repeat the vice. Had the doctor not intervened, Nature would have done
its work, and I would have acquired mastery over myself, would have been
freed from vice and would have become happy.
Hospitals are institutions for propagating sin. Men take less care of their bodies and
immorality increases. European doctors are the worst of all. For the
sake of a mistaken care of the human body, they kill annually thousands
of animals. They practise vivisection. No religion sanctions this. All
say that it is not necessary to take so many lives for the sake of our
These doctors violate our religious instinct. Most of their medical preparations contain
either animal fat or spirituous liquors; both of these are tabooed by
Hindus and Mahomedans. We may pretend to be civilized, call religious
prohibitions a superstition and wantonly indulge in what we like. The
fact remains that doctors induce us to indulge, and the result is that
we have become deprived of self-control and have become effeminate. In
these circumstances, we are unfit to serve the country. To study
European medicine is to deepen our slavery.
It is worth considering why we take up the profession of medicine. It is certainly
not for the purpose of serving humanity. We become doctors so that we
may obtain honours and riches. I have endeavoured to show that there is
no real service of humanity in the profession, and that it is injurious
to mankind. Doctors make a show of their knowledge, and charge
exorbitant fees. Their preparations, which are intrinsically worth a
few pence, cost shillings. The populace, in its credulity and in the
hope of ridding itself of some disease, allows itself to be cheated. Are
not quacks then, whom we know, better than the doctors who put on an air
of humaneness?
Hind Swaraj,1946, pp. 42 8c 43
If I had acquired perfect mastery over my thoughts, I should not have suffered from pleurisy, dysentery and appendicitis as I have during the last ten years.* I believe that when the soul is sinless, the body which she inhabits is healthy too. That is to say, as the soul progresses towards freedom from sin, the body also tends to become immune from disease. But a healthy body, in this case, does not mean a strong body. A powerful soul lives only in a weak body. As the soul advances in strength, the body languishes. A perfectly healthy body might yet be quite emaciated. A strong body is often diseased. Even if there be no disease, such a body catches infection soon, while a perfectly healthy body enjoys complete immunity from it. Pure blood has the power of expelling all obnoxious germs.
Navajivan, 25-5-'24
Maintenance of perfect
health should be considered almost an utter impossibility without
brahmacharya leading to the conservation of the sexual secretions.
To countenance wastage of a secretion which has the power of creating
another human being is, to say the least, an indication of gross
ignorance. A firm grasp of the fact that semen is meant to be used only
for procreation and not for self-indulgence, leaves no room whatsoever
for indulging in animal passion. Assimilation of the knowledge that the
vital fluid is never meant for waste should restrain men and women from
becoming crazy over sexual intercourse. It will never be resorted to in
order to satisfy passion without the desire for a child. After
intercourse which has been performed as a matter of duty, the desire to
repeat the process should never arise.
The sexual glands are
all the time secreting the semen. This secretion should be utilized for
enhancing one's mental, physical and spiritual energy. He, who would
learn to utilize it thus, will find that he requires very little food to
keep his body in a fit condition. And yet he will be as capable as any
of undertaking physical labour. Mental exertion will not tire him easily
nor will he show the ordinary signs of old age. Just as a ripe fruit or
an old leaf falls off naturally, so will such a brahmachari when
his time comes pass away with all his faculties intact. Although with
the passage of time the effects of the natural wear and tear must be
manifest in his body, his intellect instead of showing signs of decay
should show progressive clarity. If all this is correct, the real key
to health lies in the conservation of vital energy.
Key to Health, 1948, pp. 46 to 49
The Nature Cure man does not 'sell a cure' to the patient. He teaches him the right way of living in his home, which would not only cure him of his particular ailment but also save him from falling ill in future. The ordinary doctor or vaidya is interested mostly in the study of disease. The Nature Curist is interested more in the study of health. His real interest begins where that of the ordinary doctor ends; the eradication of the patient's ailment under Nature Cure marks only the beginning of a way of life in which there is no room for illness or disease. Nature Cure is thus a way of life, not a course of 'treatment'. It is not claimed that Nature Cure can cure all disease. No system of medicine can do that or else we should all be immortals.
Harijan, 7-4-'46
I am a humble aspirant for perfection. I know my way to it also. But knowing the way is not reaching its end. If I was perfect, if I had acquired full control over all my passions even in thought, I should be perfect in body I am free to confess that daily I am obliged to expend a great amount of mental energy in acquiring control over my thoughts. When I have succeeded if I ever do, think what a store-house of energy would be set free for service! As 1 hold that appendicitis was a result of infirmity of thought or mind, so do I concede that my submission to the surgical operation was an additional infirmity of mind. If I was absolutely free of egoism, I would have resigned myself to the inevitable; but I wanted to live in the present body. Complete detachment is not a mechanical process. One has to grow into it by patient toil and prayer.
Young India, 3-4-'24