Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Edited by : Bharatan Kumarappa
Foreword by : Morarji Desai
First Edition :10,000 copies, 1948
I.S.B.N :81-7229-071-3
Printed and Published by :Jitendra T. Desai,
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1960
Gandhiji had a passion to tend the sick and
serve the poor. He valued life close to nature for its simplicity and
evolved and practised simple rule's of health. He had almost a
religious faith in vegetarianism which led him to carry out dietetic
reform based on pragmatic results obtained from personal experiments. He
was tremendously influenced by the writings of Dr. Kuhne on Nature Cure.
He believed that human body, mind and spirit could be maintained in a
state of perfect health by observance of simple rules. He attempted to
discover causes of ordinary ill health and improvised simple remedies
of Nature Cure. He established a Nature Cure Centre at Uruli in
pursuance of his belief that the poor could not aftord costly medicines
and remedies and that he owed it to them to let them have the benefit of
his lifelong experiments in Health and Hygiene.
The human body is a wonderful and perfect
machine. If it gets out of order, it can set itself right without
medicine, provided it is given a chance to adjust itself. If we are not
abstemious in our habits of food etc. or if our mind is agitated by
passion, emotion or anxiety, the body cannot eliminate all the refuse
and that part which remains uneliminated turns into toxins whose
presence gives rise to symptoms which we call disease. Disease is an
attempt of the body to get rid of toxins. If the body is helped in the
process of elimination by fasting, cleansing of the bowels by enemas,
baths and massages, the body could be restored to its normal health.
This is in brief what Gandhiji meant by Nature Cure.
This book contains a valuable collection
of Gandhiji's thoughts on Nature Cure etc. and is indeed as rich in its
information as it is constructive in its outlook. I commend this book
for serious study by all those who are interested in cure of ailments
through natural remedies.
Morarji Desai
30th November, 1954
Gandhiji had very early in life lost faith in modern medicine. He was convinced that for
good health all that was necessary was to live according to the laws of
Nature in regard to diet, fresh air, exercise, clean surroundings and a
pure heart. Instead of this, man was tempted by modern medical
knowledge to indulge himself to his heart's content, break every law of
health and morality and then seek a cure through commercialized drugs.
In revolt from this Gandhiji sought to discover for himself a sane way
of overcoming disease without the use of medicines.
Besides, medicine tends to treat disease as merely a matter concerning the body. But
Gandhiji viewing man as a whole finds that disease of the body is
chiefly due to mental or spiritual causes and can be permanently cured
only when man's entire attitude to life is changed. The cure of bodily
disease must therefore, according to him, be sought primarily in the
realm of the spirit, in self-discipline and self-mastery through
brahmacharya, in a thoughtful observance of the laws of Nature in
regard to health, and in bringing about a physical and social
environment conducive to the development of a sound body and a sound
mind. Gandhiji's conception of Nature Cure is therefore much wider than
what is generally understood by that term. It is not merely a cure of
disease after it has occurred but an attempt to prevent disease
altogether by living according to the laws of Nature which, according
to him, are the same as the laws of God. Accordingly it involves not
only the use of earth, water, air, sunlight, fasts and such like to cure
disease, but even more a transformation of one's entire life —physical,
mental, moral and social — through Ramanama or faith in God, alias
His Law. Rama- nama is not, therefore, for him mere magic which when
uttered through the lips will work wonders of itself. It signifies, as
already said, a complete change in the heart and mode of life of the
individual, whereby the individual comes to be in tune with the infinite
and so obtains never-failing disease- conquering life and strength from
the Source of all life.
In arranging Gandhiji's writings under chapters, it seemed well not to interrupt the
thought by giving the titles of articles. Not all the articles or
speeches are given in full, as repetitions had to be omitted.
Extracts from Gandhiji's weeklies —the Young India and the Harijan have
dates affixed to them. So far as the other extracts go, they are from
Hind Swaraj, written in 1908, Autobiography, written in 1925
and on, and Key to Health, written in jail during 1942 to 1944.
Extracts from his letters to workers at the Uruli Kanchan Nature Cure Clinic and
information about that Centre have been given in the form of Appendices.
The letters were translated by Shri A. L. Mazumdar from the original
Those desirous of pursuing further Gandhiji's ideas in regard to health should supplement
this book by reading his Key to Health and Diet and Diet
Bharatan Kumarappa
Bombay, August, 1954