Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Edited by : Bharatan Kumarappa
Foreword by : Morarji Desai
First Edition :10,000 copies, 1948
I.S.B.N :81-7229-071-3
Printed and Published by :Jitendra T. Desai,
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1960
Akash is a difficult word to translate as are indeed all the other four
elements so-called. For pant is not mere water in the original,
nor vayu wind, or prithvi earth, or teja light.
Akash is ether least of all. Perhaps the nearest equivalent is
emptiness taken in its literal sense. And it is horribly inexpressive of
the original. All the five in the original are as living as life. It,
however, we take ether as the nearest equivalent for akash, we
must say that we know very little about ether itself and akash
much less. Our knowledge of its therapeutic uses is still more limited.
Akash might be taken for the empty space surrounding the earth and
the atmosphere round it. On a clear day, on looking up, one sees a
beautiful mauve blue canopy which is known as the akash or sky.
So far as we are concerned, this sky or the ether is limitless. We are
surrounded by it on every side, and there is no nook or corner without
it. Generally we imagine that the sky is something resting upon the high
— it is the blue canopy above us. But the sky is as much above us as
below and all round us. We move round and round with the earth.
Therefore the akash is round and everybody is within it. It is an
envelope whose outermost surface is measureless. The lower strata of the
akash for a number of miles are filled with air. But for this man
would become suffocated in spite of the emptiness. True, we cannot see
the air but we can feel it when in motion. Sky or the ether is the abode
of atmosphere. One can pump out air, say from an empty bottle and create
a vacuum, but who can pump out the vacuum itself? That is akash.
This akash we have to make use of to maintain or to regain health. Air being most
essential to sustain life, Nature has made it omnipresent. But the
omnipresence of air is only relative. It is not limitless in reality.
Scientists tell us that after a certain number of miles above the earth
there is no air. It is said that earthly creatures cannot exist outside
this atmosphere. This statement may or may not be true. All that we are
concerned with here is that akash extends beyond the atmosphere.
Some day the scientists might prove that what we call ether is also
something which fills the empty space —akash. Then we will have
to discover a new name for the empty space that holds neither air nor
the ether. Be that as it may, the mystery of this empty space all around
us is most intriguing. We cannot solve it unless we can solve the
mystery of God himself. This much might be said that the more we utilize
this great element akash the healthier we will be. The first
lesson to be learnt is this, that we should not put any partition
between ourselves and the sky —the infinite—which is very near and very
far away. If our bodies could be in contact with the sky without the
intervention of houses, roofs and even clothes, we are likely to enjoy
the maximum amount of health. This is not possible for everyone. But all
can and should accept the validity of the statement and adapt life
accordingly. To the extent that we are able to approach the state in
practice, we will enjoy contentment and peace of mind.
This train of thought will make the thinker keep his surroundings as open as possible. He will
not fill the house with unnecessary furniture and will use the minimum
of clothes that are necessary. Many households are so packed with all
sorts of unnecessary decorations and furniture which one can very well
do without, that a simple living man will feel suffocated in those
surroundings. They are nothing but means of harbouring dust, bacteria
and insects.
My desire to be in tune with the infinite has saved me from many complications in life. It
led not merely to simplicity of household and dress but all round
simplicity in the mode of my life. In a nutshell, and in the language of
the subject under discussion I have gone on creating more and more
contact with akash. With the increase in the contact went
improvement in health. I had more contentment and peace of mind and the
desire for belongings almost disappeared. He who will establish contact
with the infinite possesses nothing and yet possesses everything. In the
ultimate analysis, man owns that, of which he can make legitimate use
and which he can assimilate. If everybody followed this rule, there
would be room enough for all and there would be neither want nor
It follows that one should make it a point to sleep in the open. Sufficient covering should
be used to protect oneself against the inclemencies of the
weather—against cold and dew. In rainy season an umbrella-like roof
without walls should be used for keeping the rain out. For the rest, the
starlit blue canopy should form the roof, so that whenever one opens
one's eyes, he or she can feast them on the ever- changing beautiful
panorama of the heavens. He will never tire of the scene and it will not
dazzle or hurt his eyes. On the contrary, it will have a soothing effect
on him. To watch the different starry constellations floating in their
majesty is a feast for the eyes. One who establishes contact with the
stars as living witnesses to all his thoughts will never allow any evil
or impurity to enter his mind and will enjoy peaceful, refreshing
Let us descend from the akash above to the akash within and immediately about
us. Thus the skin has millions of pores. If we fill up the empty space
within these pores, we simply die. Any clogging of the pores therefore
must interfere with the even flow of health. Similarly we must not fill
up the digestive tract with unnecessary foodstuffs. We should eat only
as much as we need and no more. Often one overeats or eats indigestible
things without being aware of it. An occasional fast, say once a week or
once a fortnight, will enable one to keep the balance even. If one is
unable to fast for the whole day, one should miss one or more meals
during the day. That Nature abhors a vacuum is only partially true.
Nature constantly demands a vacuum. The vast space surrounding us is the
standing testimony of the truth.
Key to Health, pp. 75 to 81