Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Written by : M. K. Gandhi
Translated from the Gujarati by : Valji Govindji Desai
General Editor : Shriman Narayan
First Edition :10,000 copies, February 1959
I.S.B.N :81-7229-008-3 (Set)
Printed and Published by :Jitendra T. Desai,
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
© Navajivan Trust, 1968
This is a reprint of the first edition except for some verbal alterations suggested by my friend Shri Verrier Elwin who was good enough to go through the translation at my request.
St. 2006 Bhadrapad Krishna 6
I take this opportunity to place on record my indebtedness to Shri C.F. Andrews, Shri Dattatraya Balkrishna Kalelkar and Shri Abhechand Govindji Desai who made helpful suggestions when I was doing the first few chapters.
St 2017 Ashadha Krishna 5