Written by :
M. K. Gandhi
Written by :M. K. Gandhi
First Edition : 5,000 copies, June 1949
Total : 54,000 copies
I.S.B.N :81-7229-095-0
Printed and Published by : Jitendra T. Desai,
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
Ahmedabad - 380 014,
© Navajivan Trust, 1949
Nature Cure treatment means that treatment which befits man. By "man" is meant not merely man as animal, but as a creature possessing, in addition to his body,
both mind and soul. For such a being Ramanama is the truest Nature Cure
treatment. It is an unfailing remedy. The expression Ramabana or infallible cure
is derived from it. Nature, too, indicates that for man it is the worthy remedy.
No matter what the ailment from which a man may be suffering, recitation of
Ramanama from the heart is the sure cure. God has many names. Each person can
choose the name that appeals most to him. Ishwara, Allah, Khuda, God mean the
same. But the recitation must not be parrotlike, it must be born of faith of
which endeavour will be some evidence. What should the endeavour consist of? Man
should seek out and be content to confine the means of cure to the five elements
of which the body is composed, i.e., earth, water, akash, sun and air. Of
course, Ramanama must be the invariable accompaniment. If in spite of this,
death supervenes, we may not mind. On the contrary, it should be welcomed.
Science has not so far discovered any recipe for making the body immortal.
Immortality is an attribute of the soul. That is certainly imperishable, but it
is man's duty to try to express its purity.
If we accept the above reasoning, it will automatically limit the means permissible
under Nature Cure. And man is thereby saved from all the paraphernalia of big
hospitals and eminent doctors, etc. The large majority of persons in the world
can never afford these. Why, then, should the few desire what the many cannot
Harijan, 3-3-1946