Written by :
M. K. Gandhi
Written by :M. K. Gandhi
First Edition : 5,000 copies, June 1949
Total : 54,000 copies
I.S.B.N :81-7229-095-0
Printed and Published by : Jitendra T. Desai,
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
Ahmedabad - 380 014,
© Navajivan Trust, 1949
Nature Cure consists of two parts. Firstly, to cure diseases by taking the name of God
or Ramanama and secondly, to prevent illness by the inculcation of right and
hygienic living. The report from the village says that the inhabitants are
co-operating with them in keeping the village clean. I hold that where the rules
of personal, domestic and public sanitation are strictly observed and due care
is taken in the matter of diet and exercise, there should be no occasion for
illness or disease. Where there is absolute purity, inner and outer, illness
becomes impossible. If the village people could but understand this, they would
not need doctors, hakims or vaidyas.
In Kanchangaon, there are hardly any cows. That is unfortunate. There are some
she-buffaloes. But all the evidence that has come to me so far shows that
buffalo's milk is no match for cow's in the health- giving quality. The
vaidyas specially recommend cow's milk for patients. Milk is an absolute
necessity for health.
Nature Cure implies an ideal mode of life and that, in its turn, presupposes ideal
living conditions in towns and villages. The name of God is, of course, the hub
round which the Nature Cure system revolves.
Harijan, 26-5-1946