Written by :
M. K. Gandhi
Compiled by :
M. S. Deshpande
Written by :M. K. Gandhi
Compiled by : M. S. Deshpande
First Edition : 2,000 copies, 1971
Total : 16,000 copies
I.S.B.N :81-7229-167-1
Printed and Published by :
Navajivan Mudranalaya,
Ahmedabad - 380 014,
© Navajivan Trust, 1971
Mahatma Gandhiji was primarily a man of God. He was a great devotee of Daridranarayan — an humble and passionate servant of Humanity. Truth was his "End" and Love was his "Means". His ever- expanding love aspired to embrace and serve the whole of humanity — especially the poor and the miserable. This passion for service led him to work in all spheres of life — social, educational, economic and even political. However, God-realization alone was his all-absorbing ideal — the main spring of all his varied activities. He ardently aspired to "see God face to face".
In my earlier work entitled Light of India — acclaimed as "original", "unique" and "excellent" by the elite of Bharat, I have tried to give a fairly comprehensive view of almost all the important aspects of Mahatmaji's message to humanity. Since then several monumental works also have been published throwing light on this all-important subject. But unfortunately, the fruit is missed among the rich foliage. The main spring of Mahatmaji's activities has been woefully overlooked as a result of which the present activities have been deprived of their energizing vitality. Hence I have tried to bring the core of his message to the notice of the young aspirants, through this fresh compilation, so that it may serve as a perennial source of inspiration to them in their budding lives.
Such is the object with which this "Great-Little" book has been designed — great in content, though small in size. A mere glance at the contents of the book would show how very valuable it is for everyday use, like the Gita, to all those who would aspire to make their lives sublime. If the Light of India can be regarded as the Bible of Gandhiji, this little volume would be his "Sermon on the Mount". Our Navajivan Trust, which is serving as the Bible Society of modern Bharat, would, it is hoped, bring out cheap and fine editions of such books, in all the languages of Bharat as well as in, at least a few principal languages of the world, and place them in the hands of all aspirants for their daily perusal, reflection and assimilation.
"Never in human history, “writes a modern savant,” had man experienced so much darkness within him in the midst of all-round enlightenment outside of him, so much inner poverty in the context of measureless enrichment without... The modern crisis is thus essentially a spiritual crisis and modern man is seeking for light to lead him out of the encircling gloom. His heart, today, is crying for truth, for light and for life."
We are also passing through a critical period when enthusiasm for spiritual and moral values, generated by Mahatmaji, has been fast waning and that for material ones has been steadily gaining ground. So to restore genuine love for these high values among the people, we urgently require a band of young aspirants vibrating with zeal for noble life, ready to tread the pathway chalked out by saints like Gandhiji. For achieving this high ideal, their living words of wisdom, "the precious life-blood of Master Spirits," should be placed in the young hands, in an attractive garb, so that they may "read, re-read, chew and digest'' this rich, life-giving material and build their model lives for others to emulate. Such living ideals alone are capable of raising the moral and spiritual level of humanity. And it is only when this level is sufficiently raised that the world would have the privilege of enjoying the blessed era of lasting peace and prosperity.
May this Pathway to God inspire young men throughout the world to lead the Life of Light practised and preached by Gandhiji, so that our "Light of India" might soon become the "Light of the World".
Finally let me express my deep sense of gratefulness to Dr. V. K. R. V. Rao, for his kindness in blessing this humble attempt with his illuminating Foreword. My sincere thanks are also due to Shri Jitendrabhai Desai, Secretary, Navajivan Trust for bringing out this "Great-Little" book in such an attractive garb in such a short time.
"Shanti Kunja"
Vikrampura Extension Athani, Dist.
Belgaum, Mysore StateM. S. Deshpande